「一般日本語コース」2024年度開講のお知らせ/Information for General Japanese Course 2024

The institute for the Advancement of Higher Education will offer General Japanese Course for overseas students enrolled at Hokkaido University, overseas teaching and research staff, and office workers who work in Hokkaido University. For more information, please read the course guide noted below.
日本語授業概要2024(Japanese Language Course Guide 2024)
Japanese Language Courses at Hokkaido University
We offer Japanese language courses which encourage international and Japanese students to study together and to connect with society. The courses at eight levels include Introductory 1 to 4, Intermediate 1 to 3, and Advanced. The curricula of Intermediate and Advanced courses are based on “Hokkaido University Japanese Standards”.
What is “Hokkaido University Japanese Standards”?
In the latest language pedagogy, the pragmatic use of language is regarded as important in addition to the knowledge of grammar and vocabulary. We have divided the Japanese language ability necessary for academic or social life into three aspects: Interaction, Comprehension, and Expression. Please select the class from
‘Hokkaido University General Japanese Course Guide’ and ‘Japanese Language Course Guide 2024’considering the objectives and activities in each class.
一般日本語コースのウェブサイト /Website for General Japanese Language Courses
プレースメントテストについて/Placement test
オンライン申し込みフォーム/Online Application Form
問い合わせフォーム(FAQ)/Contact Form (FAQ):
日本語コースウェブサイト(英語版)/Japanese Language Courses website(English ver.):