Currency exchange into Japanese yen is available at New Chitose Airport and some banks and post offices in Sapporo.
The currencies that can be exchanged differ depending on the location, so please check in advance or ask at the counter.

The following table shows the currencies that can be exchanged at New Chitose Airport. If your country's currency is not listed in this table, please exchange it for US dollars in your country before entering Japan.

List of Currencies Handled
American dollar Australian dollar Philippine Peso
Canadian Dollar new zealand dollar saudi riyal
singapore dollar EUR fiji dollar
Hong Kong dollar british pound pacific franc
thai baht Swiss franc russian ruble
South Korean Won norwegian krone south african rand
Taiwan dollar swedish krona Vietnam Dong
Chinese yuan danish krone UAE Dirham
indonesian rupiah brazilian real Czech koruna
Malaysian ringgit mexican peso hungarian forint
polish zloty    

Please check the New Chitose Airport website for the latest information.