Hokkaido University has dormitories for international students. Recruitment of residents takes place in mid-January and mid-July. The recruitment periods will be announced through respective departments and offices on each occasion.

The outline of the dormitory is as follows.

*The dormitories marked with * are also available for researchers if there are vacancies.

For share houses, 2 or 3 people of the same sex can move in.

Internet is available in all dormitories.

The fee for Hokkaido University International Student Houses (2024.10.1-)

寝具の選択について Regarding the Selection of Bedding

寝具セットのご案内・Contents of the Bedding set


  researcher Single share-house couple family
man woman
Hokkaido University International House Kita 8-jo Buildings 1 and 2 (for singles/couples)  
Hokkaido University International House Kita 8 jo Buildings 3 and 4 (single/family)  
Hokkaido University International House Kita 8 jo Buildings 5         
Hokkaido University International House Kita 23 Buidings 1         
Hokkaido University International House Kita 23 Buildings 2          
Hokkaido University International House Fushimi        

Hokkaido University International House Kita 14


Sapporo International Student Exchange Center
