2019.6.12 春のお茶会/Japanese Tea Ceremony in the Spring(終了しました)

Japanese tea ceremony organized by Hokkaido University International Women’s
Club (IWC) will be held.
Come and join the tea ceremony with us.
(Please enjoy the Japanese traditional manners and the traditional crafts.)
日時: 2019年6月12日(水)
場所: 学生交流ステーション(旧国際連携機構) 1階ロビー
入場料: 無料
お点前(てまえ)の時間: 11:30 / 12:05 / 12:30 / 13:00
主催: 北海道大学国際婦人交流会
Date: Wednesday, June 12, 2019
Place: Student Communication Station (formerly IIC), 1st Floor Lobby
Fee: Free admission
*Timetable for tea ceremony (4 sessions)
11:30 / 12:05 / 12:30 / 13:00
Organizer: Hokkaido University International Women’s Club