Here is a list of books published by MJSP faculty members. For details about their other publications, visit their individual profile pages.
Monographs and Edited Volumes
- Hironori Sasada (2023) The Origin of Japan’s Protectionist Agricultural Policy: Agricultural Administration in Modern Japan, London: Routledge.
- 伊藤孝行 (2021) 『近代日本語教科書語彙索引[Index of Modern Japanese Language Textbook Vocabulary]』勉誠出版
- Susanne Klien (2020) Urban migrants in rural Japan: Between Agency and Anomie in a Post-growth Society, Albany, N.Y.: State University of New York Press.
- Susanne Klien (2018) Rethinking Japan’s Identity and International Role: An Intercultural Perspective, Edward Beauchamp (ed.), London/New York: Routledge (History, Politics, Sociology, Culture Series)(e-book).
- Emma Cook and Allison Alexy (eds.) (2018) Intimate Japan: Ethnographies of Closeness and Conflict, University of Hawaii Press.
- Hironori Sasada (2018) 『農業保護政策の起源:近代日本の農政1874-1945』勁草書房.
Takayuki Ito (2017) 『近代日本語史に見る教育・人・ことばの交流」 [Interaction of Education, People and Words in Modern Japanese History], Tokyo: Ozorasha.
- Emma E. Cook (2016) Reconstructing Adult Masculinities: Part-time Work in Contemporary Japan, London: Routledge.
- Hironori Sasada (2014) 일본 발전국가의 기원과 진화 [The Evolution of the Japanese Developmental State], Seoul: Hanul Publishing.
- Susanne Klien (co-edited with Christoph Wulf) (2013) Well-Being. Emotions, Rituals and Performances in Japan, Paragrana. Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie. Bd. 22, 1, Akademie Verlag
- Hironori Sasada (2012) The Evolution of the Japanese Developmental State System: Institutions locked-in by ideas, London: Routledge.
- Michael Schiltz (2012) The Money Doctors from Japan – Finance, Imperialism, and the Building of the ‘Yen Bloc’, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
- Hironori Sasada (2011)『制度発展と政策アイディア [Institutional Evolution and Policy Ideas]』木鐸社.
- Susanne Klien (co-edited with Patrick Neveling) (2010) Tradition Within and Beyond the Framework of Invention: Case studies from the Mascarenes and Japan, Center for Interdisciplinary Area Studies – Middle East, Africa and Asia (ZIRS), Martin Luther Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Volume 28.
- Susanne Klien (2002) Rethinking Japan’s Identity and International Role – An Intercultural Perspective, Beauchamp, Edward (ed.), London: Routledge (History, Politics, Sociology, Culture Series).
Translations by MJSP Faculty
- Chalmers Johnson (2018, trans. Hironori Sasada)『 通産省と日本の奇跡:産業政策の発展 1925-1975 [MITI and the Japanese Miracle: The Growth of Industrial Policy, 1925-1975]』Tokyo, Keiso Shobo.
- Robert Pekkanen (2008, trans. Hironori Sasada) 『日本における市民社会の二重構造:政策提言なきメンバー達 [Japan’s Dual Civil Society: Members without Advocacy]』Tokyo: Bokutaku Sha.
Japanese Language Textbooks
- Takayuki Ito (2013) Daigakusei no tameno Syakaijin Nyumon Training Communication hen, Sanseido.
- Takayuki Ito (2013, editor) Kotowaza Kentei Official Guide & Workbook the 4 – 10th Grades, Shinko Music Publishing Co., Ltd.
- Takayuki Ito (co-authored with Khwanchira Sena) (2007) Business Japanese 11-20, Centre for Educational Technology, Ministry of Education, Thailand.
- Takayuki Ito (co-authored with Khwanchira Sena) (2006) Business Japanese 1-10,Centre for Educational Technology, Ministry of Education, Thailand.