Jeffry Gayman


United States



Research Keywords

Indigenous education, Indigenous peoples, Multiculturalism, Intercultural education, Endangered language revitalization, Educational anthropology


PhD, Education (Kyushu University)
MA, Cross-Cultural Studies (University of Alaska, Fairbanks)
B.Ed (Osaka University of Education)
BA, Asian Studies (Pomona College)


I have been working with the Indigenous Ainu people of Hokkaido for approximately 15 years in the aim of establishing an Ainu educational system, with little degree of success. Consequently, my work has expanded to examine social and policy structures which affect the Ainu as an Indigenous people, and, since coming to Hokudai, to focus on effective means for intercultural education aimed at understanding of and support for Indigenous peoples. In 2013 I also conducted a survey on the current state of transmission of the Ainu language for Japan’s Agency for Cultural Affairs. For the past 4 years I have been involved in a collaborative research project with Ainu activists/cultural bearers, and I am also engaged in the Citizens’ Alliance for the Examination of Ainu Policy.

Selected Publications

  • Gayman, Jeff (2018). Ainu Puri: Content and Praxis of an Indigenous Philosophy of a Northern People. In John Petrovic and Roxanne Mitchell (eds) Indigenous Philosophies of Education Around the World, pp. 211-227. London: Routledge.
  • Uemura, Hideaki and Jeffry Gayman. Rethinking Japan’s Constitution from the Perspective of the Ainu and Ryūkyū Peoples. Special Issue of The Asia-Pacific Journal Japan Focus. 16(5), March 1, 2018. Online.
  • Gayman, Jeff (2015). Breaking through Impasses in the Ainu Rights Recovery Movement: A Case Study of one Transformational Activist-Disciple Relationship. In Kyonosuke Hirai (ed.) Social Movements and the Production of Knowledge, Body, Practice and Society in East Asia (Senri Ethnological Studies 91), pp. 45-61. Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology.
  • Gayman, Jeff. (2015) On Collaborative Ainu Research Initiatives: Needs and Challenges. In David Edgington, Norio Ota, Nobuo Sato and Jackie F. Steele (eds), “Japan and Canada in Comparative Perspective: Economics and Politics; Regions, Places and People”, pp.152-169. Japanese Studies Association of Canada.
  • Gayman, Jeffry (2014). The Ainu. In, Neely, Sharlotte (ed.), Native Nations: The Survival of Fourth World Peoples, 55-72. Vancouver: J.Charlton Publishing.
  • ゲーマン・ジェフ編著 文化庁委託事業 「危機的な状況にある言語・方言の保存・継承に係る取組等の実態に関する調査研究事業(アイヌ語)」北海道大学メディア・コミュニケーション研究院 2013年3月26日発行
  • ゲーマン・ジェフリー (2012). 「アイヌ民族」日本国際理解教育学会編『現代国際理解教育事典』明石書店 2012年6月 49頁。
  • Gayman, Jeffry (2011). Ainu Right to Education and Ainu Practice of “Education”: Current Situation and Imminent Issues in Light of Indigenous Education Rights and Theory. Intercultural Education. Routledge. V22(1), February, 2011, 15-28頁。