How To Apply


Quantum Mechanics I, II

Dr Das

2nd year in Department of Physics

Quantum mechanics is a system that describes the world of microscopic materials, and forms the foundation of physics with dynamics, thermal statistical mechanics, electromagnetism.

In Quantum Mechanics I students will start by looking to the birth of quantum theory and then learn the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics such as the Schrödinger equation, operators and wave function space and apply it to simple systems to solve the Schrödinger equation and develop an intuitive physical meaning behind the results. Finally they will learn about symmetry, conservation laws, angular momentum on a quantum scale.

In Quantum Mechanics II students will advance their knowledge by adopting the matrix representation method of quantum operators and use matrices to solve for the angular momenta of quantum systems. They will then move to applying quantum mechanical principles to many body systems that are more realistic physical case, using perturbation theory to delve into more complex and realistic applications. The course will finish discussing scattering theory of particles, an essential tool in contemporary particle theory.